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bee the collective

where the bees go, let’s go too

let’s follow them to the plants they need, and learn we need them too

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not just need them, but that we want them

we like them! they are cute, they are beneficial

they are powerful

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let’s flourish

by understanding nature, eating real food,

noticing more art, noticing more life! and growing our community

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let’s do little deeds and little acts for big reasons and big goals

let’s improve us

so we can, in turn, help them too

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the bee collective


let’s start now

let’s work together to affect change



you are a friend to the bee collective just by showing up.

we want to create a community you are proud to be a part of. one that is protective and considerate of the little buddies that make up our ecosystem.

does this sound like your kind of place?



pollinators are the creatures that keep life abundant.

we are looking for human pollinators within the community who are ready to help the bee collective with its mission to support native bees, build local habitats and to enthusiastically educate columbus



we are looking for like minded individuals who are ready to help us even if you don’t currently have the resources to be a pollinator.

check out our store, read and share our blogs, connect us with your favorite people. bee the collective. we can do this together!