small steps big goals
the bee collective’s
mission is
to support pollinators and pollinator habitats
to provide enthusiastic environmental education to the city of Columbus.
the bee collective’s
solution is
keeping native and honey bees
promoting local farms
collaborating with local artists and business
leading planting efforts
providing education opportunities
encouraging community engagement
We want to impact the city of Columbus, yet Columbus is but a single interconnected part within the larger ecosystem impacted by our influence; our planet.
the call to action
our goals are big, but they are achievable by doing one good deed and one little act at a time.
And, by having more support and engagement from like minded people, the more change we can create in Columbus, Ohio, and throughout the world.
So what does support and engagement look like to us?
find & participate in our educational talks throughout the city
start discussions on how you and your community can improve interactions with nature and the environmental changes around you
have us speak at your school close to you
host a beekeeper at nearly any public or private venue
$100 & UP
participate in our pollinator initiative to improve the natural ecosystems in our city of Columbus
introduce a hive to your business, building or even your ownbackyard
$250 & UP
purchase apparel, jewelry and goods made by local artists
show them off to everyone!
collaborate with us on individual or community based art projects
$5 & UP
The bee collective is about growing awareness, as well as affecting actual change, in improving our relationship with nature.
Supporting the bee collective’s effort to improve its surroundings can take a variety of approaches from free to corporate participation solutions.
It takes all kinds at all levels to achieve big goals.
If you care about the nature around you, and have a desire to make some improvements, then there is a way for you to get involved.